Sunday, September 12, 2010


This post isn’t really funny. It’s not even that interesting. I just wanted to give a shout out to my girl, The Barefoot Contessa.

On Friday night the live in and I hosted a dinner party.

In true Troy & Erica form we waited until the last minute to pick up the main ingredient for our dinner. The live in and I only know of one place to buy this item and when the live in stopped in on Friday afternoon they were sold out. Major bummer and major problem.

Instead of panicking or turning our frustration into road rage we remained calm and asked…WWTBCD?

Well, we thought, she would pull out her favorite bottle of wine and send Jeffrey to get Thai takeout. And so that’s what we did. Except I sent the live in. Not Jeffrey.

And everyone ate in happiness.


  1. You can never go wrong with Thai take out! Great choice :)

  2. I am so curious... what was the ingredient?
