Thursday, October 7, 2010

Balloon Fiesta Pictures

We’re back.  And we’re a little sad about that.  It was hard to leave the charm of New Mexico behind...
Many of you have asked about New Mexico as a vacation destination…so over the next couple days I’ll do my best to share our experience with you. 
We stayed the “night” in Albuquerque prior to going to Balloon Fiesta.  I say “night” because we were literally in our hotel a total of 4 hours.  Getting about 3 hours of sleep.  For Balloon Fiesta people wake up extremely early to catch the early morning events, which start around 6:45am.  This in itself was one of the craziest experiences the live in and I have had – waking up at 4:15am and driving in terrible traffic with thousands of other people to see this thing.  We felt like those wacky storm chasers you see on TV. 
But once you are there it makes perfect sense.  I don’t know that I can describe the event with any justice, but I will say it’s one of the most amazing things we’ve ever seen and experienced.  Some of my favorite pictures are below.  But, what they won’t show you is the crazy energy of the crowd.  When the first balloon lit up the dark early morning sky the cheers were goose-bump inducing…