Monday, April 18, 2011

I received the below email from a friend today.  A good friend.  One of my best.  I thought I would re-post it because 1.  it's pretty darn funny and 2.  maybe you were thinking the same thing. 

Her email is in the pretty blue font, my comments are in hot pink.

I have been meaning to discuss something with you…in 2009 you had 151 blog posts. In 2010 you had 93. So far this year you have 11…at this rate that would be about 37 posts for the whole year. I calculated your trend and am sorry to report at this rate your blog will not exist by 2012 (I can assure all of you that the blog will exist beyond 2012.  I have way too many problems to turn my back on this free form of therapy). Ericaaaaa!  This is breaking my heart. But I am not one to sit around and be sad so I have been thinking:
1. You could sell ad space on your blog to generate income and increase your motivation to blog.
2. Ideas for blog topics:
     a. More Chad
          i. The fish (Done!  I have the perfect (but let's keep low expectations here people, we are talking about a fish) story.
          ii. The man

3. Tell stories beginning with, “Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.”
4. Since you are busy actually living your life, dictate your blog (call it “team bonding”) to the new guy so he has more work.
5. Go on another vacation so you have more adventures to write about.  (Okay!  Actually pretty soon we'll have something to share about our next adventure.)

In case this is even more serious than I know:


  1. Your friend is very helpful. I'm interested to hear your Chad the fish story and about your next adventure!

  2. Oh Erica, how true it is, you've needed this friendly intervention. love, mom
