Friday, June 26, 2009

Dishes and Daytime TV

Friday afternoons have become a huge mystery to me. I work for an amazing company which gives us Friday afternoons off during the summer - so lately I have found myself wondering what to do with this extra time.

Currently I am blogging, prior to that I opened the dishwasher, thought about unloading it, and then shut the dishwasher door closed. Before I “did” that I looked at the huge pile of dirty clothes at the foot of our bed for about 15 seconds and then turned away in refusal. The dirty dishes need to be done too, but technically I would have to unload the clean dishes first and as I have already noted, that’s not going to happen. The garbage really needs to be taken out. It is starting to smell. If only the trash chute was inside our loft, not down the hall. I think I will open a window instead.

What is it about the daytime that makes me like this? The live in would say I am this way at all hours of the day but that’s just not true. There is something about being at home before 5pm that makes me just want to curl up in my bed only to woken by the live in.

Just to clarify, I am not bored. I rarely ever get bored in fact. What I do have is a perplexing case of ‘how do I do nothing but make it appear as if I have been home working all day for when the live in husband comes home?’ Although I won’t wait for full divulgences, I am positive some of you stay at home folks have come across this exact same scenario. So, how do you do it? What’s the secret? Should I give him my bedroom eyes as soon as he comes home to avoid any discussions, or do I stand firm and proclaim that this was my afternoon and I can do with it what I want?

Oh good, Oprah’s almost on…


  1. When he comes home give him a big fat juicy kiss and tell him that he is one cool bad ass dude! That usually works for me!

    Glad to have you back...I've missed Life in a Loft!

  2. oh, proclaim, baby, pro-claim! i love me some friday off with nothing to do. ummm, like now. just stumbled on your blog from gypsy feet and i love it!
