Thursday, June 18, 2009

Question For You...

On my way to work a question popped into my head. It’s one that I have thought about before and have even consulted the live in on. Is there such a thing as vampires? Wait, before you unsubscribe to the blog in protest of my gullibility, just think about it...

Lately there has been a lot of vampire talk. And for the most part, all of the vampire stories are inline with one another. The vampire rules and ways of life are the same across all channels. How could Hollywood pull that off? I feel like this is their time to “come out of the closet” so to speak. In 10 years will we be voting on vampire marriage laws? I THINK WE MIGHT BE!

Have a good Thursday…and be safe out there.


  1. Are you reading twilight? If so, you'll really start to wonder about people!

  2. Oh honey, I'm thinking intervention is just around the corner. Still with love, mom

  3. Don't worry... next time I see you I will give you a good shake. :)

  4. I think that there are. I've thought so for a long time. My best friend in high school made me promise that if I turned into one, that I would come find her in her SoCal college and make her one, too...

    The new vampires have sex. The old ones didn't. That's a major difference, I think.

  5. You are nuts! I don't think there are any vampires so you are good for going out at night again. Have a good one.

  6. See Dark Shadows for confirmation!
