Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well Done

My friends, I have so many stories to tell you from this past weekend but currently the only thing on my mind are the events that transpired yesterday at work.

It was nearing lunch time and I had drawn quite a crowd surrounding my office {okay, cubicle – but let’s dare to dream}. I’d brought leftovers from the night before, when I made dinner, and I was giving the play by play of this rare event. It actually was quite an event, there was even a dog chase involved…but I digress. I was also weaving in stories from Julie & Julia and explaining why Julie Powell has now fallen on my bad list. But, this is merely my opinion and solely based on rumors floating around the web, so ask me in person or do some internet stalking of your own if you care.

Did I mention it was also “no makeup Monday” for me? Yes, I walked out of the house without an ounce of makeup on. I rarely wear anything more than mascara and blush anyways but trust me, when you’re a prime candidate for eye-lid lift surgery mascara is your BFF. And, have I told you I am a recovering H1N1 victim? Yes, my case was so intense I was actually diagnosed over the phone….by.my.mother. She also told me to not tell anyone “we” thought I might have the swine flu because, and I quote, “you won’t make any friends that way.” Of course I told everyone.

So, we’re all surrounding my luxurious “office” gabbing about food and how domestic I looked with my brown bag lunch when a freakin camera crew (lighting, microphones, etc.) storms the scene. I assure you, this isn’t an exaggeration of events at all. We are getting ready for a big multi-day conference next week and, apparently, this includes filming people at their most vulnerable moments while asking them surprise questions. Oh, and this will be shown in front of hundreds – including executives.

Of course they asked me a question. Why wouldn’t they? They probably thought I was an intern or something what without my sidekick mascara and leftover H1N1 snot running down my face. But, I rose to the occasion and answered the questions with poise and grace. Well, not really. I am pretty sure I might get a demotion actually. Mid-way through the interview the guy holding the lights scratched his face…I asked him (during filming) what he was trying to sign me. Not smooth. I also asked (during filming) if it was trick question I was being asked. Turns out it wasn’t.

While the live in and I were getting ready yesterday morning he asked what I had on my schedule for the day. I told him I wanted to talk to avoid contact with as many people as possible…fly under the radar so to speak. Well, that’s a teeny bit ironic now isn’t it?

1 comment:

  1. This is out of control! I thought these kind of things only happened to the live-in (remember the no-clean-work-socks-with-a-suit story?) Good luck on your first major film debut...and hope you are feeling better:)

