Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Here Come the Claws

We ran into one of our neighbors this evening. Actually, I should say my live in husband ran into one of our neighbors this evening. To her, I was invisible.

She was outside walking her dogs and we were headed out of the building. She trots right up and starts chatting him up about their shared passion, Beaver football. She is 75. He is 30. I think it’s fair to call her a cougar. They stood there exchanging pre-season stats and discussing ticket sales for a few minutes. I stood there like an awkward third wheel.

Sidebar: This is a reoccurring theme with Ms. Cougar. The live in has even been invited into her den before.

When it’s time to leave she says good bye…to him. I, remember, am invisible to her. This confuses me because most old people love me. It’s the red hair. They think it’s precious. But, apparently it’s only precious when they’re not on the prowl.

Watch out for her, live in, watch out!

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! This is hilarious! Troy is such a ladies man!(cough) I mean old ladies man!
