Sunday, August 16, 2009

Don't Go Weekend, Don't Go!

Oh, weekend…must it be over?

We rocked our weekend. We have been planning it for weeks, and it did not disappoint. What did we do, you ask? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And, believe it or not, it actually takes a teeny bit of planning to “do nothing”. Or, as a few of my friends put it, be “anti-social”.

Normally a doing nothing weekend gets ruined by one of us breaking our pact and either making plans or picking up the phone when a notorious dropper in-er calls. This weekend that was not the case. It was just us, Entourage, True Blood, and one huge pot of chicken noodle soup.

I hope your weekend was just as nice.

1 comment:

  1. Having no plans=best weekend ever! Totally with you on that one. I'm already thinking about this weekend and it's only Tuesday. Yikes.

    P.S. I can't believe you've been married 7 years! You look wayyy too young for that! But congrats nonetheless :)
