Thursday, July 1, 2010


Dear Some of My Favorite People,

You should know…you have a friend in the live in. Lately he’s become concerned about your feelings. He believes that my blogging hiatus could be confusing to some, and that you deserve a little better. Or at the very least you deserve a break up note.

I’m not ready to fully break up with blogging, but I did enjoy our time apart. And just like in any relationship, there are some changes that need to take place as I go forward.

I’ve deleted the tracker I had on the blog. It only made me upset. I’d see that people I know in real life check the blog often, yet in person they can be so distant with me. I never understood. If you care enough about my life to read my personal blog, treat me like a friend. If you don’t care about me, but want to use the blog as a stalking method…well, that’s a little icky. But, at least now I’ll never know.

Also, I have a feeling the blog might turn a little, um…dull, going forward. Prepare yourselves for lots of posts regarding our garden, our summer plans, and our fish. Sounds riveting, I know. But, honestly, looking back some of my favorite posts are those that serve as a little diary to me. Having a place like this to document the meaningless, becomes pretty meaningful actually.

That being said…I’m back. Ready to fill the interweb. But I’ll do that later…lunch is here.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Welcome back. I agree that the tracker is a weird thing. When it tells me locations of people accessing my blog I can often figure out who it is. Especially when people check it from work.
    Even what you think is dull I'm sure is hilarious. Jeremy and I are convinced you are one of the most naturally funny people we have ever met.
    I hope you have gotten the chance to enjoy your little niece. I can't wait to meet her!

  3. Glad to have you back Rojo.

  4. Glad to have you back, too!

  5. So glad your back. Have fun in the dirty dirty!

  6. So sorry if I appeared as a "stalker"! I checked often to see if you had posted something new- always get a good laugh reading what you write. Your life seems so much for interesting then mine!

  7. Chrissy, haha...nope you don't come across as a stalker at all! Too funny! And yes, Chad survived the weeekend :) His water is about two inches lower, but he's still there!
