Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Really, Chad?

Yo. Sorry to pull a hit and run so to speak. Time has once again slipped away from me.

I know I have a few fellow Beta fish owners out there so I wanted to run this little scenario past to you to see if Chad (the fish, not my boy) is acting normal or if we’ve managed to find ourselves caring for a special needs semi-aggressive Beta.

Last night the live in and I were eating dinner at our kitchen island, which is also the island Chad resides on. He had zipped by a few times to say hey! and to beg for dinner (again). Next thing we know he’s convulsing in the corner of the fish bowl, acting like he’s having full on seizures. He never acts like this. He was literally head-butting the side of the bowl so loudly that the sound could be heard from most parts of the loft.

We thought we were seconds away from a belly up type situation.

Of course the live in moved in close, trying to sooth Chad with the silky sound of his voice. But in doing so he realized that there was the teeniest tiniest little bug on the side of the fish bowl. We’re talking smaller than a grain of rice here, friends.

Chad was after the freakin bug. Are you kidding me? Really? REALLY, Chad?

The live in wiped the bug off the bowl and Chad turned the aggression down a couple notches. He’s now back to his regular semi-aggressive state.

But we fed him again after that, obviously. No one likes a skinny fish.

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