Sunday, July 25, 2010

Corn Watch: 2010

During the work week I normally do the watering of the garden. It’s a five minute walk from my office (where I either pass the smokers or the runners on my way – neither group makes me feel good). On the weekends, the live in joins.

This should fall under ‘quality time together’, but today’s garden visit falls under straight up babysitting.

Since the live in was the one who physically planted the corn, he has labeled it as “his”. Never mind that in the time it took him to plant the corn, I planted every single other vegetable we’re growing and haven’t once called it “mine”. Regardless, he’s adopted the corn as his own and is extremely proud of how well it’s doing.

He’s also extremely proud of how well his corn is doing versus other gardeners’. A good portion of today’s visit was spent perusing other plots, trash talking their corn, and comparing size.  Boys.

When not judging other gardener’s vegetables he’s attempting to steal them. Squash was today’s target. We didn’t plant any squash. But the plot next to ours did. Big mistake on their part.

I held him off for today, as there were several other people visiting their gardens (aka witnesses to his crime), and it didn’t appear that the squash owners had even had a chance to pick any yet.  I'm pretty sure they'd notice if their first pick all of a sudden went missing.  However, my babysitting like skills will only last for so long, and I guarantee he’ll snag one eventually.

Apparently community garden and communal garden are interchangeable for him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Holy moly! I don't have the space for a garden, and I have to say that I'm a bit jealous of that corn. Happy harvesting.
