Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Weekend

Happy weekend, my friends.

The live in and I will be at the Beaverton Farmer’s Market this morning collecting goods for this project. (Actually, the live in helped develop the project and I am merely going to fill my trophy wife duties. Isn't he good?) Please stop by and say hi, and drop off your donations of course.

Enjoy your two day holiday. Here is a photo from one of our favorite holiday spots.

{Ketchum, Idaho}

1 comment:

  1. one of my good friends used to live in beaverton! and levi is from lake oswego! so cool! we've been trying to plan a trip up to portland for a very long time now. hopefully, it will happen soon.

    this project you two are doing looks amazing. so cool that you guys are getting involved. i love a good community project! :)
