Friday, May 29, 2009

Knowledge is Power

Greetings, this post comes to you from Tanner Springs Park. How rad is that? Want to know what’s even more rad? Using my computer screen as a mirror and spying on my park buddies. Currently we have several people tanning, reading, and eating all in their own “unique” way. Making this, my friends, better than any daytime TV I have found so far.

On my way over I decided I would write about how smart I am. It just seems fitting.

Over two months ago little bil (our brother in-law on my side) got us hooked on NPR. He’s a huge nerd so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that this is his station of choice. But, me? Nerd is certainly one word that has never been used to describe me before.

Recently I have found myself without the company of my go-to girl at work. Due to the nasty recession boot she, along with many many others, is now able to catch all the daytime TV they can get their brain wrapped around. And while they are at home spending their severance checks I am suddenly finding that my words per day have decreased by about 70%. I no longer have an ear to complain to, I am without the juicy gossip, and I simply can’t go on like this. I needed a sub, and fast.

My quick fix solution…talk radio. I could stream it all day through my computer, put my ear buds in, and never be without company again. There were several options.

1. Dr. Laura or Dr. Amy or some other non-medical doctor that goes by their first name only. It can make for entertaining listening but eventually I think all of their brainwashing might be negative on such an impressionable girl.
2. Sports talk radio. This would be a good option as we move into summer and eventually into college football season. But, not yet. My sister would just think less of me.
3. A station that plays actual music. NO. Tried it for 15 mintutes and was asked to stop several times. Apparently P.Diddy is the only one who should be singing P.Diddy songs.

During the time I was making this important decision I took a break and went on a little walk with some of my co-workers. Long story short we came across some tadpoles and I happened to “forget” that tadpoles turn into frogs. Sorry, it’s been a while. Plus, we didn’t study magic at my school.

Now, I don’t know if NPR will cover witchcraft and the art of transformation, but I do know that 7 solid hours of listening can’t hurt this brain. I have already been given the 411 on S. Korea, I’ve been told that Tuesday is the best day for booking online travel, and I now feel that we should make an effort to provide Africans with cell phones.

Done. I am smart. Now play me some Scrabble.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, you're for sure our smart one! Go slow with all this new wisdom. love you, mom
