Monday, May 11, 2009

I've Got Nothing

I received fan mail today. Honest to goodness fan mail for this beauty of a blog. Sure, the mail came in the form of a birthday card, but several of you seem to love the blog just a tad bit more than you love little me. I have also received several requests via email to blog about my birthday weekend / my birthday / what will soon become my birthday week. And one, slightly odd, request which I won’t go into.

However, guess what? I may have what Carrie Bradshaw refers to as a little case of writers block. I am sorry. I have tried.

I have tried. I have tried making a story out of the dueling birthday e-cards my parents sent me. But eh, not really that funny to you. Plus if I am going to write anything about my mom it is going to be about our recent phone conversation. The conversation where she starts yelling, “I have Trojans…a lot of Trojans… popping up all over the place.”

I have tried making a story about the birthday happy hour my group of friends organized for me. After all it would make a great story…there was piano playing, birthday candles, dessert, and food…lots of food. In fact, I am pretty sure I out ate the entire group – combined - boys included. I ate, and ate, and I ate. Writing a story about eating…hmm, not really looking for heffer of the year award. Thanks anyways.

I have tried forming something around all the crazy gifts I have received. But, I thought referring to a bag of greens might give some of you (aka my mom and the police) the wrong impression.

So there it is, out on the table. I have nothing to say. Except, thank you. Thank you to everyone for making my birthday so rad. You all know what you did, said, made or picked out for me…I loved it.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you've had a happy time. And remember, dad doesn't comment like I do!
