Sunday, March 29, 2009

One Fine Day...

I was catching up on some of my favorite bloggers out there and came to this blog, which I love. I also love the question she recently posted…"which day do you wish you could live over?" I know exactly which day that would be for me...

July 19th, 2006. Rome, Italy. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I can remember the food we ate, the conversations we had…the gelato, the Trevi Fountain, the pennies. It was perfect.

I hope your day is just as special...


  1. Erica- Are you kidding me?! I know for a fact the one day that you wish you could live over.........September 25, 2008. The sun, the Papa Don pulled pork, ice cold Busch tall boys. Beavs 27, USC 21 Life simply does not get better than that.


  2. This has got me thinking.... thanks!
